Cleaning with our everything Dish Bar

Cleaning with our everything Dish Bar

Our dish bar is really an everything bar. This little guy is made locally in West Auckland and has so many uses beyond just cleaning your dishes (which it does really well!). Here are our top uses for this magical beast!

1. Cleaning your Jewellery. 

Simply swish the bar in a bowl of warm water a couple of times and then pop in your jewellery to soak for a minute or two. Then using a old tooth brush (Refill Nations bamboo ones work well ;-) gently scrub the jewellery. The combination of the dish bar and the toothbrush will remove any build up of oils and dirt leaving your precious items looking shiny and new.

2. Cleaning your Car Wheels

Wet your dish bar and rub it on a damp old cloth or bamboo 'paper' towel. Rub the cloth on the metal of your car wheels. For really grimy wheels you can use a scrubbing brush and rub this on the dish bar and then give the wheels a good scrub. The active ingredients in the dish bar help to cut through the grease and leave your wheels sparkling. Remember to give the wheels a quick rinse off at the end.

3. Clean your shoes

Rub the wet bar onto a scrubbing brush or old nail brush, scrub the rubber edges of your shoes to remove grass stains, mud and dirt. You can even use it on leather/pleather shoes. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.

4. Remove stains from clothing

Wet the bar and rub onto the stain. Gently massage into the fabric, let it sit for up to 5 minutes then pop in the wash for the recommended wash cycle.

5. Wash your dishes of course!

Use either in a dish shaker or agitate in the water with your hand. This bar will leave your dishes nice and clean without any left over streaking or residue. Brill!

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