Fibre Syrup 250ml


Fibre Syrup is a low calorie natural sweetener that also provides a good source of prebiotics and dietary fibre. Fibre Syrup has a mildly sweet, clean taste that adds just the right touch of sweetness to raw recipes, food and drinks with no chemical overtones or bitter after taste.

Free Delivery on orders over $99 for North Island & $199 for South Island.

Sustainable Packaging, no plastic here.

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Fibre Syrup is a low calorie natural sweetener that also provides a good source of prebiotics and dietary fibre. Fibre Syrup has a mildly sweet, clean taste that adds just the right touch of sweetness to raw recipes, food and drinks with no chemical overtones or bitter aftertaste.

Fibre Syrup has no preservatives, artificial colours or flavours and is made from natural starch sources.



100% Fibre Syrup (Derived from Tapioca)

Fibre Syrup (Derived from Tapioca), Natural Maple & Caramel Flavours

Fibre Syrup (Derived from Tapioca), Chocolate Flavour

Fibre Syrup (Derived from Tapioca), Caramel Flavour & Colour

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