Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

Welcome to Plastic Free July!

The idea behind Plastic Free July is to raise awareness of how much plastic we use, often without even noticing. By creating the challenge of removing plastic, we are suddenly made aware of how prevalent it is in our day-to-day lives. The more we demand products to be plastic-free, the more common it will become.

Here are some tips to help you through the month of Plastic Free July.

  • Obviously, bring your jars into Refill Nation and shop your little heart out!
  • Make sure you don't leave the house without your full water bottle
  • Store a reusable coffee cup/mug/KeepCup in your car or office so when you want your coffee fix you can do it plastic free
  • Buy or put together a cutlery set that you can use if you are buying a takeaway lunch. Keep it in a little pouch in your handbag or car to avoid using disposable plastic cutlery
  • Make your bread rather than buying it in plastic bags or pop to your local bakery and use their paper bags
  • Beeswax wraps are amazing and can be used almost anywhere you would have previously used cling film. If you don't have a beeswax wrap yet, you must invest!


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